An effective blog can be a valuable ally for the success of your website. If your website does not appear high on search engines, remember to publish!

What is a blog and what the relation with search engine optimization?

The blog is an abbreviation of a compound word English "Web log," which means "newspaper". It is used for daily or periodic publication of articles, which follow from newest to oldest (reverse chronological order).

The blog of the principle has quickly achieved success thanks to its easy handling, its innovative for its time (web 2.0). It allows instant or programmed publications (made possible by the particular WordPress CMS).

A blog also offers a large editorial freedom and real-time interaction with users and the ability to post a comment on a ticket. Today it is possible to mix text and multimedia content (image, sound, video) and to respond to questions and comments from users very simply.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

The blog is a type of website where only the publication of articles is possible and organized chronologically, the most recent article being placed on top of the first page.

Initially reserved for bloggers, companies use it to communicate in reporting the news of the company attractively. This capability enables the user to respond to the articles and give advice via comments.

The website, it is organized by theme and page. There is more freedom in creation because there is no organizational constraint. Creating a website requires first major reflection on the organization and structure, taking into account the ease and fluidity of navigation for the visitor.

The difference between a blog and a website is in its presentation structure and form. The blog can also be part of the website. What is the point?

Blog of the assets to the SEO of your website

The blog can play an important role in the development and SEO of your website. It enables a more responsive and direct communication with customers. For example, a service provider can publish an article to give advice to clients and customers can themselves respond online.

Thanks to the blog, you can boost the SEO of your website working your content strategy: Post regularly in your blog high value-added content to increase:

Your visibility

The number of visitors to your site,

The number of prospects attracted by the quality of your content and expertise.

How to improve your SEO with a blog?

To improve your SEO with a blog, you must follow some basic principles.

Publish quality articles related to your business

If your articles are interesting and quality, you will get incoming links spontaneously to your blog. This supply of natural links have a positive impact on the SEO of your blog and your website, provided you define a relevant editorial. This will also have the effect of increasing awareness of your domain.

For example: If you are a landscaper, you can make a blog on gardening advice by telling them anecdotes that you are clean, which adds an emotional aspect to your article.